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L'Atelier d'Agathe et Aglaée
L'Atelier d'Agathe et Aglaée
3 août 2008

Caardvarks : challenge #30 : Laura's Sketch

Elephant_occup_ Bonsoir, Hello!

I have made a card for the challenge of Caardvarks . I have choosen the Laura's sketch to make a card for the babies who are in the hospital.

My card is specially made for Magali. You can see her blog, but it's in french. She has 2 passions : the scrap' and, ... to be a clown for children in the hospital. I put here some pictures of her :



She gives time for small patients, ..., it's very wonderfull. She has asked to make some cards, because after visiting the children, she let a card, for the small patient and the parents.

So, ... I have made this card for you, Magali.

J'ai fait le challenge en suivant le sketch de Laura et la carte est pour spécialement faire pour les p'tits bouts hospitalisés et Magali. Vous pouvez retrouver ses actions formidables ici.

Here the sketch - Voici le sketch laurasketch

And here my card - Voici ma carte : Caardvak__30_1

"Petit bout" means something like "little one". I have put a lot of crowns, because all of those babies are strong and can have a crown of prince of princess. All are prince and princesse.

J'ai mis des couronnes pour ces petits bouts, qui sont forts et le méritent tant. Ils sont tous des princes et des princesses.

A gauche - The left side : Caardvak__30__

I have put the giraffe on 3D squares - J'ai collé le rond avec la girafe sur des collants 3D

A droite - The right side : CaardVak__30_3

Have a nice evening. THANKS A LOT, REALLY, for your kind messages - Bonne soirée et merci de vos mots gentils!


oh what a lovely, LOVELY baby card!!! and it's a SUPER version of the sketch, as well! :)
What an adorable image ... great baby card ... thanks for joining the Caardvarks fun.
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L'Atelier d'Agathe et Aglaée
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